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Birds and Bikes

The Birds and Bikes campaign is a grant effort to support residents in increasing their physical activity in West Valley City. The program aims to educate the community about the recreational outdoor trails available to them within the City, focusing primary on the Jordan River Trail, the new Crosstown Trail, and the trail loop around Decker Lake. 


As part of this grant effort, several improvements will be made to the Decker Lake including additional signs, benches, trashcans, and pet waste stations to improve the experience for users recreating on this section of the trail. In partnership with Tracy Aviary and Nature and Human Health Utah, several signs will be placed around Decker Lake, educating users about the wildlife and history of the lake.


Improvements will also be made along the Crosstown Trail, including additional wayfinding signs and an art installation at the Lester Street crosswalk.


Community members are encouraged to explore the trail systems, to find new ways to recreate in their city. To encourage residents to participate, the Birds and Bikes Scavenger Hunt will be hosted from mid-May to mid-September. Learn more about the scavenger hunt by clicking here.

Active People, Healthy Utah

Get Healthy Utah convened the Active People, Healthy Utah Partners Group in 2022 to support the CDC’s national goal of helping 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. Achieving this goal will require not only individual behavior changes, but systematic shifts in culture, infrastructure, and available resources.


The Active People, Healthy Utah Partners Group leads out on these systematic changes in Utah by convening leading experts from physical activity organizations across the state. The group champions best practices and supports communities to engage in cross-sector initiatives that are proven to have the greatest impact on physical activity.


Participating partners include Bike Utah, Intermountain Health, local health departments, the Office of Outdoor Recreation, Outdoor Afro, Shape Utah, University of Utah, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority, and more.

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